The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.

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ALFN Local Food Club:  Weblog Entry

After tasting some truly fantastic chili made by one of our most loyal members, I was inspired to simmer up some of my own. Currently, there’s a big pot of a scarily spicy concoction simmering away on my stove, and on a cold, rainy day like this I’m especially looking forward to some comfort food. Come fall, it seems like there’s chili everywhere you look. At some point it’s on every stove, at every potluck, and in every thermos. And with good reason! In it’s many incarnations, it can be hearty, inexpensive, healthy, spicy, wholesome, or even sweet. The beauty of chili is that no two pots need ever be the same. All you do is start with fantastic ingredients, and see where they take you. Coincidentally, The Market is overflowing with fantastic ingredients, such as:

  • Meat. Some say it’s not true chili unless you start with roast. Others relish the convenience of ground beef. Some say you’re skimping on flavor unless you start with sausage. Yet others think as far outside the box as chicken. Whichever you prefer, local and pastured is definitely the way to go.
  • Veggies. Even the most carnivorous of chilies requires a little plant life in the form of onions, garlic, and – be they sweet or spicy – peppers. But adventurous chefs knows there’s plenty of other vegetables that would be right at home in a pot of chili, vegetarian or not. Potentially tasty additions like eggplant, winter squash, and corn shouldn’t be overlooked.
  • Spices. Let’s face it. Though a proportionally minor ingredient, spices are really the star of any chili. With that in mind, quality and freshness are paramount. So if the paprika in your spice cabinet was there when you moved in, and your chili powder is old enough to drive, consider browsing the Bulk Items section of The Market to update your most precious culinary weaponry, but do it before The Market closes, or come the next rainy day you might find yourself crying into a can of Hormel.

-Rebecca Wild
Program Manager

Do you have questions or comments about this, or any, weblog? Thoughts on local food, goods, or events? Reply to this email and let us know what’s on your mind. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Champaign, OH:  Let It Be

And when the night is cloudy…
There is still a light that shines on me…
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be…
I wake up to the sound of music
(Beatles – Let It Be)

Today was a day!!!!! Today was more than a day!!! Today needed to end, for your market manager, at 7am!! A day of multiple irritations, a day of my eyes looking like they surely had those X’s for eyes, a day when I wanted to shout things like…are you KIDDING me? Or…Seriously? Really?

Yes…one of those days that met me as my eyes blinked open at 4am. One of those days that took everything I had just to make it to the next step.

Luckily, these days are very, very, very rare for me. And, when these days DO happen, I tend to just start silently humming this song, over and over, in my head. It calms me, it makes me feel whole, again, and it makes me feel like the foolishness of the day will only be temporary.

Much like this little local market of love…this safe little haven that we have all built. I love coming to this Weblog, I love looking over the lovely orders, I love thinking of each of you, the lovely customers, placing your orders with such love and care.

You and this market are truly little lights that shine even on the days where light is very much needed. Thank you for being you, thank you for the love you put into this market, and thank you for making us part of your local love.

The market is open until 10pm…show us a bit of love, show yourselves a bit of love…make your week of shopping easy…place your orders, let us take it from there, and then just…Let It Be…calm, happy, love..

I am here for the evening…let me see those orders as they come in. Let me see the love…

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

Russellville Community Market:  RCM Order Reminder

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!

Happy ordering!

We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!

Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!

Russellville Community Market

Local Farms First:  We Want Your Feedback!

Greetings Local Farms First Food Lovers,

Local Farms First is currently undergoing a re-visioning process, and we want your input on the service. If you have every ordered from Local Farms First, please visit this link to complete a short, 5-10 minute survey:

Your feedback will be seriously considered as we look forward to a bright future for local food in the Gunnison Valley.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

Erin Griffin – Market Manager – a 501c3 non-profit
click here to start shopping on the website:

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Order reminder

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

Don’t forget to place your order today for tomorrow’s market! We will not have a market next week, so make sure you stock up. Our next market will be Wednesday, November 19.

We will leave the online market open today until 2:00 pm so you have time to get your order in. If you have already ordered, go ahead and place another one if you need to get enough to make it until the 19th. Your second order will be added to your first.

We also have a couple of new items added to the market that weren’t included in this week’s order list—Figgieville has their full line of olives back in stock, and they are also offering their delicious handmade almond torte (it’s gluten free!)

If you aren’t able to order, stop by tomorrow to shop at the market. We will have chicken, pork, beef, lamb, duck eggs, fermented sauerkraut and jalapenos, olive oil, salsa, vegetables, and herbs. You can also meet our new vendor, Tim Slape with Diamond T Meats!

Thanks so much for shopping with us. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Green Fork Farmers Market

Cross Timbers Food Cooperative:  CTFC Market Open for November 15 Pick-up

Hi, folks!

Ordering is open for the Saturday, November 15 pick-up. The order window will close Sunday, November 9.

for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Nov2 2014

A very busy week here at Old99 this week, so not much time for finding juicy food news on the web.

The bad news is that our last cow to calf, Princess Scruffy, freshened on Friday with a stillborn calf. That’s my first experience and thankfully the vet was able to get here quickly. Scruffy is still running a fever so it’s not over yet.

The good news is there are lots of veggies and eggs, beef, lamb and chicken in the freezer.

We still have tomatoes, eggplants, peppers as well as the root crops like carrots and celeriac.

Hope to see you thurs.

Healthy eating,
Ian and Camelia

Cedar Grove Farm:  CSA Availability for 11/7

Forgot to send the list out last night. Market is open. Enjoy this week’s offerings!

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, November 7th. The market closes tonight around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Twitter: @conwaygrown

On Facebook:

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Just a Short Time Left to Order!

Don’t forget to place your order on Manchester Locally Grown market by our new order closing time of Tuesday evening at 10 pm for delivery fresh from local farms on Thursday.

Please bear with Casey Family Farms as their milk production is down. They are doing everything they can do bring it back up, and appreciate your business and support.

What good eating, so easily available on our online market! Remember that we are a year-round market, not subject to seasonal closings like the local farm stands. Don’t forget all our eggs, fruits & vegetables, local honey & jams! Please note that we have bread from two new bakeries and lots of new pork products!

We also have a great selection of perennial plants & hanging baskets, herbal & handmade products. Now is a great time to plant perennial plants for spring color.

Pickup of your order will be at Square Books, 113 E. Main St, Manchester, from 3:00-4:30 on Thursday. Please e-mail me at, or call (931) 273-9708 if you would prefer to pick up on Friday morning between 10 am and 1 pm.

Thanks for your orders last week! Please encourage your local friends and family to shop at our year-round market and support local farmers!

Here is the complete list for this week. See you on Thursday!

~ Linda

How to contact us:
On Facebook
By e-mail
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.